What is Martin Scorsese's most underrated film in your opinion?
Jul, 26 2023 0

What is Martin Scorsese's most underrated film in your opinion?

In my opinion, Martin Scorsese's most underrated film has to be "The King of Comedy". It's a masterpiece that hasn't received the widespread acclaim it deserves. Despite its dark theme, it brilliantly explores the lengths people will go to for fame. Robert De Niro's performance is stellar, yet it's often overlooked in favor of his more famous roles. I believe this film deserves a second look for its nuanced take on celebrity culture.

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What are some best indie sci-fi movies?
Jul, 23 2023 0

What are some best indie sci-fi movies?

In my quest for the best indie sci-fi films, I've discovered a wealth of hidden gems. These movies, away from the mainstream, offer innovative storytelling and inventive visuals. From the time-traveling intricacies of "Primer" to the mind-bending realities of "Coherence", these films challenge conventional narratives. "Moon" and "Ex Machina" are other standouts, weaving human drama into their futuristic settings. These indie sci-fi titles are a must-watch for any fans seeking a fresh perspective on the genre.

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What are some bad movies with an IMDB score above 7.0?
Jul, 18 2023 0

What are some bad movies with an IMDB score above 7.0?

After some extensive movie marathons, it's clear there are quite a few films out there with a surprisingly high IMDB score despite being a disappointment. These films, praised by some, yet loathed by others, have managed to score above a 7.0. It truly shows that art is subjective and what one person may find brilliant, another may find underwhelming. This just goes to show, don't always trust the ratings, sometimes you've got to dive in and see for yourself. After all, one man's trash can be another man's treasure, or in this case, one man's bad movie can be another man's cinematic masterpiece.

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What are the best books on films and/or film making and why?
Jul, 11 2023 0

What are the best books on films and/or film making and why?

In my journey as a film enthusiast, I've come across a plethora of books that offer incredible insights into filmmaking. "In the Blink of an Eye" by Walter Murch, for example, is a must-read as it provides a unique perspective on the art of film editing. Another gem is "Making Movies" by Sidney Lumet, which provides an invaluable behind-the-scenes look at the film industry. Sydney Pollack's "A Director’s Notebook" also stands out for its in-depth exploration of the director's role. All of these books offer unique insights and wisdom, making them essential reads for anyone interested in the world of cinema.

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